Friday 11 March 2011

Final learning Log

Monitoring progress log

1. The first strength of my Southbank guide is the background of my front cover because I was able to show the creative features that Southbank has to offer.

2. I believe that my second strength of my Southbank guide is the background of my back cover because since my guide was mainly based on the Imax, I was able create a movie curtain effect by using two images.

3. I believe that my final strength was the layout of my middle page because it looks eye catching and the text on my middle pages stand out very well.

1. I think that my first weakness is my background for my middle pages because the effects that I used made it quite dark, which made it difficult to see some faces in the background image.

2. I think that my second weakness is that I didn't include a map to show how to get to places in the Imax such as the imax because people who have not been to Southbank before may get lost.

3. My final weakness is I didn't include the prices for tickets at the Imax

Things to improve:
1. If were to do this project again, I would use less photoshop effects so that the background photo for my middle pages will be brighter.

2. The second thing that would do in order to improve my guide is include a map so that when my target audience read my guide they will be able to enjoy all the creative features that Southbank has to offer.

3. The final thing that I will do in order to improve my guide is include the prices for tickets that the Imax.

1.4 Final Outcome for Southbank guide

The front cover for my southbank guide took up quite a lot of time because I had to think about the types of photo's that could interest my target audience who are people that interests in features such as film, art & photography, performing arts and music. In order to do this I had to take a look at all the photos that were taken during the trip to southbank in order to find a image which would bring out the creative side of the southbank. As soon as I found the images which would interest my target audience to come to Southbank. After that I wanted to give my selected photos a torn effect to make my front cover look like a collage. After this I made a main title which could also reflect the artistic side to the southbank.

Since I had a lot of photos of the the Imax and I also knew a lot about it, I decided to focus on the Imax. The other reason why I wanted to base my middle page on the southbank, is because it is a great place to go to best tourist attraction in the southbank since it is suitable for all ages and is a great place to go to if my target audience was on a family outing.

I believe that my back cover was the easiest to finish because I only had to use some information that I obtained from research and the reason this is so that I wouldn't discourage my target audience from reading my leaflet. In order to make my back cover stand out more, I used the same typography that I used for my middle page with a brighter outer glow. Since my front cover was collage of the photos that I had taken at Southbank I used the two extra images that I did not put onto my front cover and put onto my back cover. In order to make my back cover similar to what I did on the front page, I repeated the torn paper effect on the two images but this time I did it in order to make a movie curtain background. After this I then wrote about the other places that may interest my target audience , and then added image that associated with the places that the text was based on.

Thursday 10 March 2011

1.4 Stages of back cover

1) The first thing that I did in order to create my back cover was the background. Since I planned that my background was going to consist of two different images, I decided to use a photo that I took when I was at the Imax and also a photo of London eye which I got during my trip to southbank. In order to make the type of background, I used the lasso tool to get rid of parts of the image I did not need and then used the the paint brush tool in order to make a movie curtain effect.

2) As soon as the background was finished, I then moved onto the typography. In order to make the main title for the back cover stand out, I used the same font that I used in my middle pages along with an outer glow.

3. When that was done, I then began to focus on the the other places within the southbank. In order to this, I placed several images onto the back cover along with text to explain what goes on in those individual areas. When that was finished I then used the rectangle shape tool in order to create a transparent rectangle. As soon as that was done, I placed the rectangles behind the text in order to make the text more clearer to read.

Learning Log (14/1/11)

Monitoring Progress Log


1) The first strength of my work is that is my layout of my front page because of the fact it brings out artistic side of Southbank.

2) The second strength of my work is the typography because of the fact that I used Interesting fonts and also stands out quite well.

3) My final Strength is the effects that I used to make the leaflet because it helps turn a boring photo into an interesting piece of work.


1) Although the effects I used was one of my strengths, I think that it is also my weakness because some parts of the effects that I used.

2) My other weakness is that my the background photo for my middle page is a bit too dark.

3) I have not written a lot about the other creative events that occur in Southbank.

Friday 4 March 2011

1.4 Stages of middle pages

1) In order to make middle pages, I first selected an image which I could use a background. When I had found one, I used the free transform tool in order fit the onto both pages.

2) The next thing that I did was select was edit use the threshold tool in order to edit the minion from despicable me. As soon as that was done I used the paint bucket tool in order to colour in the minions. After this, I then polarized the whole background image.

3) the second thing that I did, was look for a decorative typography to use for the main title. The font that I thought was suitable was then placed on the edge of my title on its side. When this was done I then made two columns of text based on what the Imax.

4) The next thing that I did was make a sub heading on the right page and selected a different font than the one used for the main title and used an outer glow effect in order to make is stand out.

5) As soon as that was done, found three individual images of films and next to the images. In order to make the text associated with the films stand out more I used the rectangle tool in order to make a transparent rectangle.

1.4 stages of front cover

1. The first thing I did in order to create my Front cover for the guide to southbank was open the Adobe Photoshop application and then made a new psd file. After that I made canvas size of the psd file A4. when I finished sorting out the psd file, I then began to add images from the trip at the southbank.

2. After adding a couple images to my front cover, I then began to use the eraser and the paint brush tool order to create a torn paper effect on each image.

3. As soon as I finished putting a torn paper effect onto all of the images that I was using, I then began to create the typography which would reflect the creative side of the southbank. I did this by add effects such as outer glow in order to make the work stand out on the front cover, a stroke in order for the in order to make the typography clear and easy to read.