Friday 4 March 2011

1.4 Stages of middle pages

1) In order to make middle pages, I first selected an image which I could use a background. When I had found one, I used the free transform tool in order fit the onto both pages.

2) The next thing that I did was select was edit use the threshold tool in order to edit the minion from despicable me. As soon as that was done I used the paint bucket tool in order to colour in the minions. After this, I then polarized the whole background image.

3) the second thing that I did, was look for a decorative typography to use for the main title. The font that I thought was suitable was then placed on the edge of my title on its side. When this was done I then made two columns of text based on what the Imax.

4) The next thing that I did was make a sub heading on the right page and selected a different font than the one used for the main title and used an outer glow effect in order to make is stand out.

5) As soon as that was done, found three individual images of films and next to the images. In order to make the text associated with the films stand out more I used the rectangle tool in order to make a transparent rectangle.

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