Friday 11 March 2011

Final learning Log

Monitoring progress log

1. The first strength of my Southbank guide is the background of my front cover because I was able to show the creative features that Southbank has to offer.

2. I believe that my second strength of my Southbank guide is the background of my back cover because since my guide was mainly based on the Imax, I was able create a movie curtain effect by using two images.

3. I believe that my final strength was the layout of my middle page because it looks eye catching and the text on my middle pages stand out very well.

1. I think that my first weakness is my background for my middle pages because the effects that I used made it quite dark, which made it difficult to see some faces in the background image.

2. I think that my second weakness is that I didn't include a map to show how to get to places in the Imax such as the imax because people who have not been to Southbank before may get lost.

3. My final weakness is I didn't include the prices for tickets at the Imax

Things to improve:
1. If were to do this project again, I would use less photoshop effects so that the background photo for my middle pages will be brighter.

2. The second thing that would do in order to improve my guide is include a map so that when my target audience read my guide they will be able to enjoy all the creative features that Southbank has to offer.

3. The final thing that I will do in order to improve my guide is include the prices for tickets that the Imax.

1.4 Final Outcome for Southbank guide

The front cover for my southbank guide took up quite a lot of time because I had to think about the types of photo's that could interest my target audience who are people that interests in features such as film, art & photography, performing arts and music. In order to do this I had to take a look at all the photos that were taken during the trip to southbank in order to find a image which would bring out the creative side of the southbank. As soon as I found the images which would interest my target audience to come to Southbank. After that I wanted to give my selected photos a torn effect to make my front cover look like a collage. After this I made a main title which could also reflect the artistic side to the southbank.

Since I had a lot of photos of the the Imax and I also knew a lot about it, I decided to focus on the Imax. The other reason why I wanted to base my middle page on the southbank, is because it is a great place to go to best tourist attraction in the southbank since it is suitable for all ages and is a great place to go to if my target audience was on a family outing.

I believe that my back cover was the easiest to finish because I only had to use some information that I obtained from research and the reason this is so that I wouldn't discourage my target audience from reading my leaflet. In order to make my back cover stand out more, I used the same typography that I used for my middle page with a brighter outer glow. Since my front cover was collage of the photos that I had taken at Southbank I used the two extra images that I did not put onto my front cover and put onto my back cover. In order to make my back cover similar to what I did on the front page, I repeated the torn paper effect on the two images but this time I did it in order to make a movie curtain background. After this I then wrote about the other places that may interest my target audience , and then added image that associated with the places that the text was based on.

Thursday 10 March 2011

1.4 Stages of back cover

1) The first thing that I did in order to create my back cover was the background. Since I planned that my background was going to consist of two different images, I decided to use a photo that I took when I was at the Imax and also a photo of London eye which I got during my trip to southbank. In order to make the type of background, I used the lasso tool to get rid of parts of the image I did not need and then used the the paint brush tool in order to make a movie curtain effect.

2) As soon as the background was finished, I then moved onto the typography. In order to make the main title for the back cover stand out, I used the same font that I used in my middle pages along with an outer glow.

3. When that was done, I then began to focus on the the other places within the southbank. In order to this, I placed several images onto the back cover along with text to explain what goes on in those individual areas. When that was finished I then used the rectangle shape tool in order to create a transparent rectangle. As soon as that was done, I placed the rectangles behind the text in order to make the text more clearer to read.

Learning Log (14/1/11)

Monitoring Progress Log


1) The first strength of my work is that is my layout of my front page because of the fact it brings out artistic side of Southbank.

2) The second strength of my work is the typography because of the fact that I used Interesting fonts and also stands out quite well.

3) My final Strength is the effects that I used to make the leaflet because it helps turn a boring photo into an interesting piece of work.


1) Although the effects I used was one of my strengths, I think that it is also my weakness because some parts of the effects that I used.

2) My other weakness is that my the background photo for my middle page is a bit too dark.

3) I have not written a lot about the other creative events that occur in Southbank.

Friday 4 March 2011

1.4 Stages of middle pages

1) In order to make middle pages, I first selected an image which I could use a background. When I had found one, I used the free transform tool in order fit the onto both pages.

2) The next thing that I did was select was edit use the threshold tool in order to edit the minion from despicable me. As soon as that was done I used the paint bucket tool in order to colour in the minions. After this, I then polarized the whole background image.

3) the second thing that I did, was look for a decorative typography to use for the main title. The font that I thought was suitable was then placed on the edge of my title on its side. When this was done I then made two columns of text based on what the Imax.

4) The next thing that I did was make a sub heading on the right page and selected a different font than the one used for the main title and used an outer glow effect in order to make is stand out.

5) As soon as that was done, found three individual images of films and next to the images. In order to make the text associated with the films stand out more I used the rectangle tool in order to make a transparent rectangle.

1.4 stages of front cover

1. The first thing I did in order to create my Front cover for the guide to southbank was open the Adobe Photoshop application and then made a new psd file. After that I made canvas size of the psd file A4. when I finished sorting out the psd file, I then began to add images from the trip at the southbank.

2. After adding a couple images to my front cover, I then began to use the eraser and the paint brush tool order to create a torn paper effect on each image.

3. As soon as I finished putting a torn paper effect onto all of the images that I was using, I then began to create the typography which would reflect the creative side of the southbank. I did this by add effects such as outer glow in order to make the work stand out on the front cover, a stroke in order for the in order to make the typography clear and easy to read.

Friday 25 February 2011

1.4 Drafts of a guide to the creative and media scene in the southbank

Back cover layout: 1

For this design, I wanted to use split the page with two curved images that I edited on photoshop. At the very top of the page I would include the title with possibly the southbank logo. After that I was planning to include the photos of different places that I had visited while I went to the southbank, along with some text in order to explain what goes on in that area.

Back cover layout: 2

Although the design for this back cover layout is slightly similar to my first the design, the differences are that, instead of making the images curved on photoshop, I was planning to make the background look like a movie curtain. I was also planning to add an extra image onto the top of the back cover.

1.4 Drafts of a guide to the creative and media scene in the southbank

Double page spread 2:

For this Design I was planning to use 2 seperate background images for both pages that were based on the same place. Since I had been to the I knew quite a bit about the I max I decided to to talk about the 4 recent movies which would be showing at the Imax. When I got onto the second page I was planning to write more about the Imax in detail.

Double page spread 1

For this design, I was planning to put the title onto the edge of the left page instead of at the top because it would make y work look more unique. After this I wanted to put the text based on the southbank on the left side of the page and Details of movies showing at the southbank. For my background, I was planning to use an image that shows what is inside of the southbank.

1.4 Drafts of a guide to the creative and media scene in the southbank

Front cover layout 1:

For this idea for the front cover I wanted to make a collage with the pictures that I would take during the trip at southbank. I also wanted to use a torn type of effect around each in order for the image to look like the fragments of the creative things that take place at southbank binding together.
Along with this I was planning to include a slogan such as "every piece of the southbank is unique" or "the southbank is made up creative fragments". I also thought about using a lot effects on the title in order to bring out creative side of the southbank. I also planned to place the web link to the southbank website on the bottom right corner of the page.

Front Cover Layout 2:

For this idea for the front cover, I wanted to split the front cover into 3 sections and use an image of the place which I knew most about as a central image(which would be in the middle section). I also planned to place the other images in the top and bottom sections. As soon as this was done, I wanted to use effects on the images such as threshold and then use colours like blue, red, yellow, green, purple to show the creative side of southbank.

1.4 Research for creating a guide to the creative and media scene in the Southbank

Learning Log (07/1/11)

Monitoring and progress

1. I believe that one of my strengths of my work is my photoshop work for the scene unit because it is coming along quite well
2. My other strength is that I have developed my skills in photoshop of modifying images.
3. My last strength is that I was able to develop my skills in adding effects to things such as images and typography

1. One of my weaknesses is that I don't work very often at home or school.
2. I need to develop my photoshop skills in using the brush tools
3. I need to use more image adjustments like threshold.

Things to improve and why:
The first that I need to do in order to improve in my work is to work more often at home and school.
The second thing that I need to use is more image adjustments.
The final thing that I need to do is try to use the brush tool during my work for the scene unit.

Sunday 6 February 2011

1.3 Personal critical response to the film Despicable Me

If you want to see a Despicably great film then the Imax is the place for you!


When I went to the Imax, I had noticed that unlike most cinemas that I had seen, the shape building looked quite unique which I thought was interesting. What I also found interesting about the IMAX is that the staff were very polite to all customers. I also got the opportunity for a member staff to explain what they’re occupation was and also how 3D glasses at the IMAX work. Apart from being a state-of-the-art cinema in which films are shown on the IMAX format, the building itself with its innovative, circular design and glass exterior is worth visiting.

While I was at the IMAX I noticed that I could not here any nearby traffic or any other sorts of noises outside of the IMAX. When you’re watching a film, the closest you’ll come to noticing a double-decker bus is by looking at the screen, which stretches up to the height of five of them.


Steve Carrel as Gru, who is the former world’s number one super villain

Jason Segel as Vector (who is also known as Victor Perkins) and is also the worlds new number one super villain by succeeding in a scheme that put all other super villains to shame. You can also think of this character as an egotistical nerd.

Russell Brand as Dr. Nefario, who plays as Gru’s Scientist Assistant and good friend who has quite bad hearing.

Julie Andrews as Gru’s mother, who can be seen in many of Gru’s flashbacks

Will Arnett as Mr. Perkins, the president of the bank of evil and is also Vector’s father.

Kristen Wiig as Miss Hattie, who is the mistress for a local orphanage that is called Miss Hattie’s home for girls.

Miranda Cosgrove as Margo, who is the oldest out of the group of orphans and she is very protective when it comes to her two younger sisters. Through most of this film, she doesn’t really trust Gru.

Dana Gaier as Edith, who is the second oldest of the group of orphans. She is the only one of the sisters that liked Vector's and also Gru's inventions and weapons

Elsie Fisher as Agnes, the youngest in the group of orphans. She has a very big fondness for unicorns and is the first to like Gru from the start.


Despicable Me is a computer animated comedy film that was made in France. This movie came from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment and the release date for this movie was July 9th 2010. This movie has earned many positive reviews from film critics. And has also grossed over $246 million in North America, when put in contrast with their budget of $69 million, it can be considered as a huge profit. The running time for this movie is 95 minutes.


The story is based on, the former No.1 super villain called Gru, who becomes this when another super villain manages to steal a Pyramid. In order to become the No.1 super villain again, Gru plots a grand scheme but needs a loan in order to complete his scheme. When Gru arrives at the bank, he meets a young super villain called Vector (who happens to be the villain that stole the pyramid). After a short conversation with Vector; Gru meets the head of the bank who denies Gru of a loan until he manages to get an object that Gru needs for his plan to become a success. Although Gru manages to obtain the object, it is then stolen by Vector.

Gru then plots to use to three orphan girls as pawn in order to succeed in his evil scheme, However as he and the girls begin to bond, and Gru gets really attached to them.


If you are interested in the type of movies that are moving and emotional, yet also have a large variety of comedy in it, then this is the movie for you. I have to admit that just before the movie I thought that it would mainly appeal to a younger audience. However, I was completely proved wrong as soon as the movie had started.

There was not a time that I did not believe that this movie was interesting and also there was not a moment that I was not laughing. During the scenes that involved decision making, I got into the storyline so much I felt like talking to the main character Gru. Although this movie had a common plot that is based on a mean protagonist who gains a change of heart as he spent time with the secondary main characters of the film, it had many different forms of comedy put into it. The other major elements that has made this movie interesting was the 3D effects because unlike most movies which only make a few sections of the movie 3d, almost every scene in this movie was 3D. I also liked the scene during the credits which was based on Gru’s minions were trying to see who could go the furthest away from the floor.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Learning Log

During these past few days, I have been researching the variety of creative places within the southbank centre, and also different types of careers that are available within the creative field.

-I think that one of my strengths is that I was able to obtain a lot of information on the types of jobs within the creative field.
-My second strength was the amount of events that I have managed to find in the various places of the southbank, Which will help me alot when I begin to create my guide.
-My final strenth is my images on both creative careers and different places within the southbank because they are all quite clear and easy to see.

-I think that my only weakness is I was not able to find alot of information of the types of places within the southbank.
-I have not used a lot of sources to help me with my research.

Things to improve:
In order for me to improve my research I think that I should try to use more sources so that I will be able to include more information on places within the southbank.

Friday 4 February 2011

1.2 Research on the creative media employment roles an requirements in the Southbank

This Post shows the websites that I used in order to write my report on the types of creative and media employment roles and requirements at the Southbank.

1.2 Case study of people within the creative and media industry

Paul Mardles

Occupation: journalist
Paul Mardles has worked on many topics in journalism. However, he mainly focuses on writing about music. During Paul’s job he has to know what types of music are popular. So he has to conduct interviews with people of the public in order to understand their views in music. Some of the advantages in Paul’s job are that he gets the chance to meet interesting people. In his opinion he believes that one of the most difficult and important things that he has to do during his job is keeping up with the deadlines. The other most difficult thing that he has to do during his job is to be careful when writing an article to make sure that is doesn’t gain a bad reputation. When asked about the amount of money that he gets paid, although he doesn’t give a specific amount, he does say that the amount that he is given varies quite often. Another advantage that he has added is that he gets to travel to a variety of countries such as Australia, America and Denmark for the purpose of interviewing. During his the times that he is conducting his interview he starts off by asking questions that are quite easy to answer, so that the interviewee will open up to him

Marcel Pusey

Occupation: Composer, Bassist, founder of Bassistry Music Productions and also the creator of the O-generator, Bassist for the band Bassistry. Marcel had studied Jazz at the Western Australian Conservatorium at brief time. When he returned to London, he studied a combination both business and finance at Greenwich University along while touring with an African band called Kariba. Marcel has managed to develop Bassistry music productions in three different areas and those are composition, education and multimedia. Marcel has also managed to produce two albums, which are well received. Some of the other things that Marcel was done are writing music for television companies such as BBC, ITV and Channel 4. He has also composed for multimedia companies.

Kevin Leo

Occupation: Song Writer
Kevin Leo is known by being a South African opera singer. He also performs regularly with a person known as Jakkie Louw. Jakkie works under the stage name of Jackal and Leo, and with Mathys Roets and Danie Niehaus three of the best on. During 1994 he was called to the Crescendo competition.

1.2 Research on the creative and media employment roles and requirements in a chosen region


Architects are people that work in the construction industry and they are also involved with designing new buildings, alterations and extensions to existing buildings. They also advise in things such as restorations and conservation of old properties. They are also capable of working on individual buildings and also on large redevelopment schemes. Architects are also able to be responsible for the designs of the surrounding landscape.


  • Discussing the objectives, requirements and budget of a project

  • Consulting with other professionals about the design of an environment

  • Preparing and presenting feasibility reports and design proposals to the client

  • Advising the client on the practicality of their project

  • Using IT in design and project management, specifically using software packages such as Computer Aided Design (CAD)

  • Keeping within financial budgets and deadlines

  • Producing detailed workings, drawings and specifications

  • Specifying the nature and quality of materials required

  • Preparing tender applications and presentations

  • Negotiating with contractors and other professionals

  • Preparing applications for planning and building control departments

  • Preparing tender documents for contracts

  • Project managing and co-coordinating the work of contractors

  • Controlling a project from start to finish

  • Regular site visits to check on progress, ensuring that the project is running on time and to budget

  • Resolving problems and issues that arise during construction

  • Ensuring that the environmental impact of the project is limited.

Entry Requirements:

You will usually need GCSE mathematics and English at grade C or above and a few schools of architecture ask for maths or a science at A-level, so do check the entry requirements of individual schools.

Schools of architecture will express their offer in terms of the UCAS tariffs, but typically you will need at least two subjects at A level or one A and two AS levels, which should be drawn from academic fields of study.

Many Schools of Architecture also recognise other further education qualifications such as BTEC National Diplomas. If you are a mature student, it is worth remembering that even if you don't possess the usual admissions requirements, many schools will consider assessing you on other grounds, especially your portfolio. Some universities and higher education colleges run foundation courses and access courses to enable you to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills.

Graphic Designer

Graphic designers produce design solutions to communicate client messages with high visual impact. Graphic design solutions are required for a huge variety of products and activities, such as websites, advertising, books, magazines, posters, computer games, product packaging, exhibitions and displays, corporate communications and corporate identity (e.g. giving organisations a visual 'brand').

A graphic designer works to a brief agreed with the client or account manager. They develop creative ideas and concepts choosing the appropriate media and style to meet the client's objectives.

The work demands creative flair, up-to-date knowledge of industry software and a professional approach to time, costs and deadlines.


  • Meeting clients or account managers to discuss the business objectives and requirements of the job

  • Interpreting the client's business needs and developing a concept to suit their purpose

  • Estimating the time required to complete the work and providing quotes for clients

  • Developing design briefs by gathering information and data through research

  • Thinking creatively to produce new ideas and concepts

  • Using innovation to redefine a design brief within the constraints of cost and time

  • Presenting finalised ideas and concepts to clients or account managers

  • Working with a wide range of media, including photography and computer-aided design (CAD)

  • Proofreading to produce accurate and high-quality work

  • Contributing ideas and design artwork to the overall brief

  • Demonstrating illustrative skills with rough sketches

  • Keeping abreast of emerging technologies in new media (particularly design programs such as Quark Xpress, FreeHand, Illustrator, Photoshop, 3D Studio, Acrobat, Director, Dreamweaver and Flash) as most graphic design work is now completed on a computer

  • Working as part of a team with printers, copywriters, photographers, other designers, account executives, web developers and marketing specialists.


Dancers use movement, gesture and body language to portray a character, situation or abstract concept to an audience, usually to the accompaniment of music. This normally involves interpreting the work of a choreographer, although it may sometimes require improvisation.

Dancers work in a variety of genres ranging from classical ballet and West End musicals to contemporary dance. A dancer's role may involve education or therapy, as well as performance.

Dancing is a competitive and physically demanding career, which often involves periods of unemployment and underemployment. Many dancers will need to combine part-time jobs in areas such as performing, administration and teaching.


  • Preparing for and attending auditions and casting sessions

  • Preparing for performances, by rehearsing and exercising

  • Performing to live audiences and for television, film and music video productions

  • Studying and creating choreography

  • Discussing and interpreting choreography

  • Learning and using other skills such as singing and acting - many roles, for example in musical theatre, require a combination of performance skills; • looking after costumes and equipment

  • Taking care of the health and safety of others, which requires knowledge and observation of physiology and anatomy, as well as safe use of premises and equipment

  • Teaching dance, either privately or in the public sector

  • Working in dance development and promotion, encouraging and enabling people, especially children, to become involved in dance and to understand and appreciate it

  • Running workshops in the community, e.g. with disabled groups

  • Undertaking administrative, promotional or stage management work, particularly in a small company or if setting up your own company

  • Liaising with arts and dance organisations, theatres and other venues regarding funding and contracts.

Session Musicians:

Session musicians are instrumental and vocal performers, they are also available to work with others during live performances and also recording sessions. Since session musicians are not permanent members of a music ensemble, the don't achieve any fame. This term is not only applied to people working in contemporary musical styles such as jazz, classical, pop or rock music. Versatility is one of the most important skills that are required of session musicians. Session musicians are usually expected to learn parts rapidly.Session musicians can be used by recording studios in order to provide backing tracks for the musicians that they are working with.


Session musicians, first and foremost, must be able to play one or more instruments to a professional standard. They must be able to read music. They must be flexible and adaptable. They will be working alongside a range of artists and on a number of different musical projects, which means they have to be prepared to embrace different music types and genres. Session musicians have to be quick learners, and able to play different musical parts quickly. They have to be content without celebrity or fame, and willing to be overshadowed by the members of a band or a main artist. They have to be patient, especially since a recording session can be a long and tiresome process.

1.1Research on the range and types of creative and media activity in the Southbank

South bank is an area that has a variety of things that people may find interest. It can also been known to be the cultural heart of the city and is also called the home to London’s most iconic attractions, arts, design-led venues and theatres. The area is full of things to see all year round such as:

-Free events






-And many more things for family fun

Art & Photography

The Hayward art gallery is a gallery that is located within the South bank centre; it is also part of an area with major art venues on the South bank of the River Thames which is in central London, England. Due to the Rebranding of the South bank Centre to South bank centre in the early 2007, The Hayward was then renamed as the Hayward Gallery. The Hayward was built by Higgs and Hill and opened on 9th July 2010.


During The dates Friday 26 November 2010 –Saturday 27 November there is an installation performance by Michael Klien Which features six people drawing blackboards in a ritual ambience. During the dates Saturday 27 November 2010-Sunday 28 November 2010 the Siobhan Davies Dance presents Minutes, which was originally shown as part of the collection, 2009, it is collaboration with Victoria Miro Gallery, which has brought together dance artists and also visual artists.


The BFI London IMAX is situated in the centre of Waterloo, literally in the middle of a huge roundabout. Since it opened in 1999 it has become an iconic building and something of a London landmark and popular tourist attraction. Apart from being a state-of-the-art cinema in which films are shown on the IMAX format, the building itself with its innovative, circular design and glass exterior is worth visiting.

Despite being surrounded on all sides by the constant hum of the capital’s road traffic, the building itself is virtually immune to any noise pollution as it was specifically designed to absorb noise. In fact, the whole building floats gracefully on a series of bearings, as it perches just above a tube line and the rumble of trains would not have been a welcome addition to a night at the cinema. So, when you’re watching a film, the closest you’ll come to noticing a double-decker bus is by looking at the screen, which stretches up to the height of five of them


During the 19th November 2010, Harry Potter and the deathly hollows part 1 will appear in 3d. Before that, the movie known as Megamind will be released during the 5th November 2010. There is also a movie called the Green Hornet which will be released at some point in January 2011.

Performing Arts

The Globe was founded by a pioneering American actor and director known as Sam Wanamaker, Shakespeare’s Globe is a unique international resource that is dedicated in the exploration of Shakespeare’s work and the playhouse for that he wrote, by using a connection of performance and education. Together the Globe Theatre Company, Shakespeare’s Globe Exhibition and Globe Education look for experience and an international understanding of Shakespeare through performance.


During next January the Globe will screen the silent film of Hamlet which was made in the 1920s. It will also star the silver screen goddess Asta Nielsen in the title role at the BFI Southbank. This will be a world premiere of a new print of the film, which will have the music composed by Claire Van Kampen and played live by six musicians that are from the Globe.


The Royal Festival Hall is a 2900 seat concert, which can be located within south bank of the River Thames and not far from Hungerford Bridge. The Philharmonic Orchestra is known to perform the majority of its London Concerts in the hall. During every year the Southbank Centre puts on a festival which is known as “Meltdown”, and during this year the festival will be curated by Richard Thompson.


During 1st February 2011 at 7:30pm, The Venezuelan brass ensemble will be performing on the Royal Festival Hall. The Conductor is of this ensemble is Thomas Clamor and the Trumpet player is Tomas Medina.

Wednesday 2 February 2011

1.1 Introduction

Starting from today, I will be displaying all of my Unit 1: Scene work onto this blog. In this unit we have to create a leaflet to show what goes on at Southbank. Before we make the leaflet we first had to first plan how to make the leaflet and research different tourist attractions in Southbank such as institutes like the BFI, galleries like Hayward Gallery and other places like Royal Festival hall, Queen Elizabeth hall and Shakespeares Globe.